There is more to caring for your smile than just the prevention of cavities. After all, you also need to prioritize matters like maintaining healthy gums and enjoying a natural, comfortable bite movement. These and other problems can have real consequences for your oral health. That being said, cavities are a common issue, and the habits that you keep up with to prevent them can help you avoid other concerns over your well-being and appearance. Our Omaha, NE dentist’s office can provide important help in the prevention of decay during regular dental exams, just as we can take care of your smile if you do experience an issue with a cavity. (more…)
Answering Your Questions About Teeth Whitening
Is it time to take your concerns about dental discoloration to your dentist? Keeping your embarrassment to yourself or trying to fight the problem with a store bought treatment can lead to disappointment. By bringing up your interest in cosmetic treatment to your Omaha, NE dentist, you can learn about services that are able to effectively brighten your smile and give you a welcome boost in your confidence! We can provide in-office whitening kits as well as in-office services to brighten your smile. We can also help those patients who need to do something about discoloration that develops within the tooth structure. (more…)
Embarrassed By Chipped Teeth? Veneers Can Help
Tooth enamel is a remarkably strong substance, but unfortunately, it is not so strong that we never have to worry about dental damage. A small chip can be made after an unlucky bite, or wear and tear can gradually lead to more noticeable damage. Any time a chip or other type of harm affects a tooth, it can become a serious concern for your smile. Fortunately, there is something that your Omaha, NE dentist can do about this matter. Through the placement of porcelain veneers, we can take on issues with chipping while minimizing changes to your tooth structure. (more…)
Gum Recession Is More Than Unsightly
Periodontal disease affects almost half of all adults, with four in ten Americans over the age of thirty experiencing a form of this condition. This is the infection and inflammation of your gum tissue, and it might at first seem as a cosmetic issue. But this material provides a vital barrier in keeping your mouth safe. The connections between your oral and overall health are strong, as well, so this is a very important thing to keep safe.
If you have noticed a shift in the way your gumline appears, be sure to bring this up with a trained oral health professional. You need to be making a visit to your dentist every six months or so, and the more strict you are with the appointments, the better! Dentistry relies on consistent imagery and monitoring, so having more information allows for significantly more improved results. Today, your Omaha, NE dentist explains how to stop periodontal disease in its tracks, and what we can do to bring your gumline to its healthiest level! (more…)
How Bonding And Contouring Can Change Your Smile
Many people who have an interest in cosmetic dentistry hope to fix relatively minor, but hard to ignore, flaws. What may make them uneasy about treatment is the idea of a longer, more involved process to fix a specific issue. At our Omaha, NE dentist’s office, we can actually provide an approach to care that minimizes your need for work on your tooth structure. Through dental bonding and contouring treatment, we can correct issues with teeth that are misshapen, damaged, discolored, or otherwise flawed by making careful corrections. Because we do not have to place a permanent restoration, this work can be completed in just one appointment, and it can have lasting benefits while only making minimal changes to your enamel! (more…)
Effective Protection With Same-Day Crowns
It is hard to overstate the importance of properly taking care of a tooth that is in poor condition. A serious cavity or physical injury will pose an infection risk, and there is also concern around your ability to maintain your natural and comfortable bite function. If you want to have the right kind of protection and maintain confidence in your appearance, you can talk to your Omaha, NE dentist about treatment with a CEREC-made crown. Through CEREC technology, we are able to produce crowns in our office in just one appointment. This means you have a lifelike and durable restoration, and you can enjoy it in less time than you might think possible! (more…)
When You Select A Clear Aligner Treatment
When you express an interest in straightening your uneven smile, you can hope for services that offer the right results but have less impact on your appearance and daily life. Metal braces can provide results, but they can stand out and they can feel intrusive when you want to eat and clean your teeth. Our Omaha, NE dentist’s office can provide alternatives in the form of Invisalign and ClearCorrect aligners. These clear appliances are capable of guiding teeth into position so that your smile is uniform and attractive. In addition to being hard to see, they are easy to remove, something that makes it easier for you to keep up with your normal daily habits over the course of your adjustment. (more…)
Different Strategies For Making Teeth Whiter
What should you do if you want to make your smile brighter? A teeth whitening treatment can look like the most straightforward option, but without the right information or the right treatment, it is an answer that can yield limited results. One reason for this is that you can try to fight enamel stains with a store bought treatment, one that is ultimately not strong enough to produce the results you truly want. Another concern is that you may need to deal with something other than stains, as internal changes in the tooth structure can alter your smile color. With the help of your Omaha, NE dentist, you can see the results that you hope to start showing off. We can offer different approaches to teeth whitening treatment as well as care for intrinsic discoloration! (more…)
Positive Results Produced With Veneers
The reason one patient decides to ask about cosmetic dentistry can different from the reason why another brings up an interest in treatment. However, because porcelain veneers are effective at taking on different flaws, they can be recommended to patients who have different goals. At our Omaha, NE dentist’s office, we can rely on veneers to take on many different issues. They can prove effective at treating an issue with discoloration, including a problem within the tooth structure that causes blemishes to develop. They also help hide damages that look awkward and out of place, issues with poor spacing, and even problems with teeth that are the wrong size. (more…)
Taking On Smile Asymmetry
The symmetry of your smile is important to its overall quality. Even if you are not conscious of why, a person whose smile is uneven can stand out, and not for positive reasons, making it seem less attractive overall. Unfortunately, it is easy to lose this quality. Changes from wear and tear or a dental injury can make your smile look asymmetrical. Another concern is that natural issues with tooth shape and size, or with the alignment of teeth, can throw off how you look. Fortunately, your Omaha, NE dentist can help with this matter. Through the right cosmetic dental work, you can have your smile improved and show off a more uniform and attractive appearance! (more…)
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