As soon as your child’s first baby tooth arrives, tooth decay becomes a serious risk. However, your Omaha, NE, dentist knows how to take steps that help your child maintain stronger smiles and a lower risk of cavities. In today’s blog, we’re going to discuss how we help children of all ages stay free of tooth decay!
What Should I Do During A Dental Emergency?
When you have serious discomfort, or damage, that impacts your teeth and gums, then you need to seek emergency treatment from your Omaha, NE, dentist. Otherwise, your chipped tooth could soon become an infected one, or even worse, a lost one. In today’s blog, we’re looking at when to see us, and how to respond to your dental emergency!
Is Visiting The Dentist Safe?
Many people have put off visiting our office out of concern for their safety. After all, movie theaters, restaurants, and other in-door areas are often recommended by experts to be avoided. But what about the dentist? Well, since your Omaha, NE, dentist has always followed strict health and safety protocols to keep the area clean, and we have undertaken new measures since the start of the pandemic, attending your checkups and cleanings are still a safe bet!
How Do Dental Implants Save Your Smile?
A dental implant does far more than just fill the gap in your smile caused by tooth loss. In fact, they can help preserve your facial structure and prevent an aged appearance from developing. In today’s blog, your Omaha, NE, dentist will look at how we use lifelike dental implants to save your smile and restore smiles to full function and beauty again.
What Kind Of Denture Is Right For You?
When you lose one to three teeth in a row, we may suggest a bridge or an individual dental implant. But what if you have multiple missing teeth, or lose a majority of them? You may actually need a denture, and we have several options, both removable and implant-secured. In today’s blog, your Omaha, NE, dentist will look at which denture is right for you.
A Bridge For Your Missing Teeth
Don’t let minor tooth loss cause problems for the function and beauty of your smile. Instead, talk to your Omaha, NE, dentist! Our team knows how to restore missing teeth using lifelike prosthetics. In today’s blog, we’re going to focus on one option in particular, our natural-looking and stable dental bridges, which can often be secured with dental implants.
Do My Wisdom Teeth Need Extraction?
As a person approach adulthood, there is a chance that up to four additional molars could erupt in the rear of the mouth. While for some these erupt without complication, or don’t erupt at all, others could risk serious problems for their oral health. In today’s blog, your Omaha, NE, dentist explains when wisdom teeth need extraction!
Stopping Pain In Your Smile With Root Canals
Did you know that a serious toothache that doesn’t subside after a few hours could be a sign of an infection? Unless treated, your infection could lead to more than just pain in your tooth, you could lose the tooth altogether! Fortunately, your Omaha, NE, dentist knows how to treat infections with a safe and comfortable root canal procedure.
Creating Full And Partial Crowns In One Visit
At one time, having a smile in need of restoration meant you needed at least two to three visits with the dentist, and often up to two weeks of wearing a temporary. Fortunately, your Omaha, NE, dentist has a more convenient alternative! With CEREC technology, our team can create and place full and partial crowns in only one visit!
Treating Your Cavities With Tooth-Colored Resin
When a cavity forms, your tooth could begin to ache and unless you receive treatment, your tooth could develop a painful infection or abscess. Fortunately, your Omaha, NE, dentist has a treatment to address cavities and offer a lifelike appearance in the process. In today’s blog, we’re looking at the benefits of our tooth-colored resin fillings.
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