What Happens When I Lose A Tooth?

You could sustain an injury on the court or lose one or more teeth as a result of periodontitis. Whatever the cause of your tooth loss, addressing the issue is crucial for avoiding issues with eating, speaking, or even your overall facial structure. In today’ blog, your Omaha, NE, dentist talks about the dangers of tooth loss, and how we can fill the gaps in your smile.


 Cosmetic Improvement In One Visit With Bonding And Contouring

We’ve recently looked at professional teeth whitening, which can help remove stains and offer smiles brightened by several shades. But what if you have concerns with the shape of your tooth, or what if you have permanent discoloration that may not respond to whitening? In today’s blog, your Omaha, NE, dentist looks at the benefits of bonding and contouring.


Protect Your Smile From Tooth Decay This Halloween

We love Halloween as much as anyone else. Who doesn’t love a chance to binge scary movies and take your kids trick or treating? However, there is a real dark side to this holiday and that is tooth decay. Too much sugar means smiles of all ages are susceptible to cavities. In today’s blog, your Omaha, NE, dentist will talk about what you can do to protect your family’s smiles!
