Treating Misalignment With Clear Aligners

clear invisalign aligners

Unless treated, misalignment doesn’t just cause problems for your smile’s appearance. Instead, poor alignment could also lead to poor oral health and even related jaw joint disorders. However, just because you have an uneven smile doesn’t mean metal braces are your only solution. Your Omaha, NE, dentist actually offers a clear alternative with both Invisalign® and ClearCorrect.


Does Stress Lead To Teeth Grinding?

If you have high levels of stress, then you could become more likely to develop bruxism, an issue in which we frequently grind or clench our teeth. But how does stress lead to teeth grinding, and what steps can you take to protect your smile? In today’s blog, your Omaha, NE, dentist is looking at how we address this issue, and what you should be doing from home to keep your smile healthy!
