What Should I Do During A Dental Emergency?

dental emergencyWhen you have serious discomfort, or damage, that impacts your teeth and gums, then you need to seek emergency treatment from your Omaha, NE, dentist. Otherwise, your chipped tooth could soon become an infected one, or even worse, a lost one. In today’s blog, we’re looking at when to see us, and how to respond to your dental emergency!

Common Dental Emergency Situations

A common example of a dental emergency situation is an aching tooth, or teeth with an object stuck between them that cannot be removed with floss. Chipped or cracked teeth need immediate attention. As do loose or knocked-out teeth. If you have a restoration, such as a crown or filling, that comes loose or falls out, then please let us know right away!

Responding to Your Injury

If you have an aching or injured tooth, then rinse with water and then take a pain reliever. For aching teeth or smiles with a piece of food caught between teeth, gently floss on either side of the tooth in pain. If this fails to dislodge the object to ease discomfort, then let us know right away. If you have a chipped tooth, then try to recover any pieces and bring them with you to the office. A cold compress or ice pack to the side of the face can reduce swelling, and a bit of cloth or gauze could stem any bleeding. If a tooth is knocked out completely, then pick it up by the crown, never touch the roots. Then rinse the tooth under gently running water to remove dirt, and place it in a glass of milk or salt water. Bring it the office with you!

Our Treatment Options

We can dislodge trapped objects, and may halt discomfort with a dental filling, which treats teeth with tooth decay. If a tooth is damaged, dental bonding can repair minor chips and cracks in one visit, and we can also craft a custom-made dental crown that looks natural. Our team can also replace compromised or missing restoration too! We want to return your smile to optimal health, function, and beauty with our custom-made and lifelike dental restorations. If you injury happens outside of normal business hours, still give us a call so we can arrange to see you as soon as possible. If you have any other questions, feel free to contact our team!

Do You Have Questions About Our Emergency Treatments?

We want to offer care for damaged teeth to prevent serious complications from developing! To learn more about our approach to emergency dentistry then schedule a consultation by calling Pacific Hills Dental in Omaha, NE, today at (402) 330-2243. We also serve the residents of Papillion, Elkhorn, La Vista, Millard, and all surrounding communities.