Why You Need To Be Approved For Dental Implants

If you are looking into addressing tooth loss, dental implants offer important benefits that can greatly improve your prosthetic experience. However, before your dentist can recommend you receive implants, they need to perform an examination of your oral health. Why is this step necessary? Dental implants offer real value, but their placement requires oral surgery. If you have preexisting issues that affect your viability for a surgical procedure, this will affect your candidacy. You may also have existing oral health problems, like gum disease, or jawbone deterioration, that need your dentist’s attention before moving forward with placement. (more…)

The Cosmetic Value Of A Ceramic Dental Crown

Being able to protect a vulnerable tooth is important. Using a dental crown to cover up a problem tooth can allow you to bite and chew comfortably and naturally, and keep you safe from future problems with that tooth. When your dentist provides you with a ceramic crown, it becomes possible to offer restorative dental care that keeps your appearance in good standing. Ceramic crowns can be crafted to match the look of your surrounding teeth, so it does not stand out in your smile. CEREC technology allows your dentist to provide your crown in one visit, making it more cosmetically pleasing, and convenient. (more…)

The First Step In Invisalign Treatment? Talk To Your Dentist

If you want to straighten your teeth, but feel uneasy about conspicuous braces, you may be excited to try Invisalign. However, before you can start treatment through this orthodontic care, your dentist will need to perform a preliminary examination. If you qualify, your dentist can move forward with designing your custom Invisalign treatment. Over the course of your care, you will use a sequence of removable aligners, all of which are made from clear plastic, so they will be difficult to see. At the end of treatment, you can enjoy a set of straightened teeth. (more…)

What It Can Take To Address Damage Caused By Teeth Grinding

When you fail to act in response to an ongoing teeth grinding habit, you can find yourself seeing your dentist for serious restorative dental work. A teeth grinding habit, often referred to with the term bruxism, can tax your jaw joints, and cause wear and tear on your smile. The type of care you need can depend on how badly your issues with bruxism have harmed you. If you receive care from your dentist in time, you can effectively prevent any issues. Unfortunately, if you fail to respond in time, you could require cosmetic dental work, or even some degree of restorative dental care. (more…)

Caring For Your Smile After Receiving Porcelain Veneers

Your excitement at seeing how porcelain veneers improve your smile can be muddied by one concern – how do you care for your teeth after veneers are placed? Luckily, supplying care for your smile after this cosmetic dental procedure will not change much from the care you provided before. Brushing and flossing will still take place like normal, though your dentist can recommend that you switch to a toothpaste that is non-abrasive. Your veneers can resist stains, but they do not respond to professional whitening agents in a favorable way. That means if they do become discolored, they cannot be treated like your natural teeth. Be mindful of this, and be considerate of how often you consume dark liquids like coffee, tea, and red wine. (more…)

What You Can Expect From A Dental Implant Placement

You can expect a significant improvement in the function and appearance of your smile after you have an implant-supported restoration put in place. That being said, you may be wary of what to expect from the actual process of having a dental implant inserted. This is understandable – after all, implant placement does require minor oral surgery. What you should know is that patients who use implants to secure a dental prosthetic can have an easier time with standard jaw functions, and can avoid problems that plague those with tooth loss. An implant provides superior security, and can protect you from jawbone deterioration, a benefit you will not gain from other prosthetic solutions. (more…)

How Your Dental Crown Can Be Ready In One Appointment

If you have undergone restorative dental care in the past, you may believe you are familiar with the process of receiving a dental crown. You might recall having your dentist take your measurements, and prepare your tooth, during an initial visit, followed by a waiting period where a dental lab produced your crown. What you should know is that CEREC technology makes the process simpler – instead of two appointments, you will only need to plan for one visit. The technology on hand allows your dentist to produce your restoration in the office, and place it on your problem tooth at that same appointment. (more…)

What Will My Experience With Clear Braces Be Like?

You may be surprised to find that with clear braces from Invisalign or ClearCorrect, you can make changes to the alignment of your teeth without traditional braces. Many patients, particularly teens and adults, are relieved to know they can enjoy a correction without conspicuous brackets and wires on their teeth. That being said, you might like the idea of clear braces, but still be unsure as to how they can help. You will receive several aligners, which will be used in sequence. Each one brings your teeth closer to their final position than the one that came before. Because they are made from clear plastic, they can escape the notice of others. Because they can be removed, you can eat and clean your teeth more comfortably than if you had traditional braces. (more…)

Enjoying The Confidence Boost A Whiter Smile Can Bring

A professional whitening treatment can exceed the effects you have seen from over the counter whitening agents. The materials available from your dentist will be able to remove stains that are too deeply settled into your enamel for store bought products to help against. The resulting change can lead to a real boost in your confidence – after your treatment is finished, you may find yourself absolutely thrilled to show off your smile. You have a choice between whitening your teeth with your dentist’s help in the office, or taking the materials you need home with you. If you have further questions about what cosmetic dentistry can do for you, your dentist will be happy to review what options are open to you. (more…)

If You Want To Avoid Cavities, Attend Dental Checkups

Cavities lead to permanent dental damage, and demand restorative dental care. In other words, cavities are not something to look forward to. If your preventive dental care does not include routinely attending dental checkups, you are missing out on important protection. Each visit with your dentist involves both an examination and a cleaning. These measures make it easier for you to stop tooth decay from forming. That being said, some patients who attend checkups will still experience some cavity trouble in their lifetime. These visits mean earlier detection and treatment, which makes the overall experience with decay less unpleasant. (more…)