What To Do Following A Dental Emergency

A dental emergency could mean everything from an aching tooth to an injury to the teeth and gums. Without care, these injuries could open the door to serious complications, including decay and even infected teeth. In today’s blog, your Omaha, NE, dentist discusses what to do following a dental emergency to ease discomfort, and why seeing us as soon as possible is vital.


Curious About Dental Implants? Here’s What to Remember

Dental implants have been around for several decades now, but for many patients, the idea of replacing their lost teeth roots still doesn’t seem routine. They may already be used to wearing a more traditional dental bridge or denture, or know who someone who is, and the idea of upgrading it with dental implants can seem like a novel one. At our Omaha, NE, dental office, our goal is to help patients enjoy the most lifelike options for restoring their smiles. In many cases, that includes replacing the roots of their lost teeth as well as their visible parts, and that can only be accomplished with the help of dental implants. (more…)

Saving Your Smile By Removing Wisdom Teeth

Have you ever heard of wisdom teeth? Sometimes referred to a third molars, these teeth arrive in our late teens and early adulthood. For some, they may not pose a risk. But for many people, these teeth could mean the onset of misalignment, painful impaction, and other complications. In order to protect smiles in Omaha, NE, from wisdom teeth, we may recommend extraction.


Let’s Schedule A Back-To-School Checkup

In the next couple of weeks, children across the country will be returning to school. As parents, this means you’ll be struggling to find time to purchase supplies, register your little ones, and pick up new clothes. During this hectic time, we want to remind Omaha, NE, parents not to forget about their children’s smiles! Find out why we always recommend a back-to-school checkup and cleaning.
