What Does My Toothache Mean?

what does my toothache meanIt may be the most common dental symptom, but the fact that it’s common doesn’t make a toothache hurt any less, or cause less worry. Some instances may be mild and no more than a nuisance, while other instances can be severe enough to cause you to miss work or school because of the discomfort.

Even though a toothache can mean many things, the usual culprits are well-known, and fortunately, highly-treatable. If you experience a toothache of any degree, then your best chance at relieving it will lie in visiting your dentist for a proper professional assessment. (more…)

Could You Do More to Care for Your Smile?

Could You Do More to Care for Your Smile?Most everyone wants to enjoy having a beautiful smile, but many people don’t realize that a great-looking smile starts with good oral health. Before you can reap the benefits of whitening treatment or even veneers, you first need to ensure your teeth and gums are healthy. Are you doing all you can to take care of your teeth and gums? Keeping your smile looking and feeling its best requires a combination of dental hygiene and professional preventive care. (more…)

Are You Tired of Jaw Pain? Could Bruxism Be to Blame?

Tired of Suffering From Bruxism? Your Dentist Offers TreatmentDo you frequently wake up with a headache, or pain throughout your jaw? You might think you simply need more sleep, but the problem could actually be related to a dental issue. Bruxism is the term used to describe the subconscious act of teeth grinding that often occurs as people sleep. It’s a habit that can be difficult to diagnose, since it does occur primarily as one sleeps, and it is one that can also be incredibly bad for the teeth. The good news is that if you might be suffering from bruxism, your dentist may be able to provide help. Often, the use of an oral appliance can help cut down on teeth grinding, allowing patients to sleep far more comfortably and soundly. (more…)

How We Discovered that Fluoride Is Good for Teeth

how we discovered that fluoride is good for teethFor decades, cities across the United States have treated their municipal water supplies with the mineral fluoride to help their citizens combat tooth decay. In fact, water fluoridation became official US policy in 1951. Although small levels of fluoride have been proven to assist in the prevention of cavities, its benefits to oral health took a while to come to light.

So, how did we discover that fluoride is good for teeth, and how did it become a routine ingredient in many dental health and hygiene products? (more…)

Can a Dentist Treat Jaw Pain?

can a dentist treat jaw painThere’s no end to tips and home remedies for curing a toothache (some effective, some not), and it’s common knowledge that a visit to your dentist is in order if you can’t relieve it. Yet, when your jaw hurts, you might not find as much information about why or how to alleviate it.

Aside from a direct injury to your jaw, one of the most common reasons for jaw pain is TMJ disorder – a dysfunction in one or both of your jaw’s temporomandibular joints (TMJs). The good news is that, in many cases, your dentist can treat your jaw pain by treating TMJ disorder and its underlying cause(s). (more…)

Gear Up for Graduation with Cosmetic Dentistry

Gear Up for Graduation with Cosmetic DenitstryAll your hard work and those all-nighters studying is finally paying off. You will soon be walking the stage to accept a diploma, and after that, it will be time to start a new adventure and a new chapter in life. But before you have your big moment, make sure you’re ready to put your best face forward. Cosmetic dentistry can help get you there. Imperfections with your teeth can make it difficult to feel confident, especially as you embark on a new career path. Fortunately, cosmetic dentistry makes it possible to hide those imperfections and to reveal a more beautiful smile, which can instill the self-esteem you need to reach your full potential.


Choose a Seamless Form of Smile Restoration

Choose a Seamless Smile RestorationAre you worried you’re suffering from a cavity, but don’t want to get a gold filling? Do you have a root canal scheduled, and are nervous that your smile will never look the same? Dental problems can cause a lot of discomfort, both physically and emotionally. Fortunately, modern dentistry now offers more seamless restorative treatments that can put patients at ease about the esthetics of their smiles, after treatment. In fact, in many cases no one has to know you have had dental work completed. So stop delaying a dental visit, for fear your smile will suffer cosmetically, and instead talk to your restorative dentist about the benefit of seamless smile solutions! (more…)

Spring Forward with Cosmetic Bonding or Contouring

Spring Forward with Your SmileDo you have important events coming up later this spring or summer? It may feel like it’s too late to get your smile selfie-ready before you celebrate your best friend’s wedding, or proudly walk the stage for your college graduation. But thanks to cosmetic dental treatments, like cosmetic bonding and contouring, it’s actually possible to achieve beautiful and natural-looking smile enhancements with time to spare. So if you want to truly look and feel your best, as you start this next season, talk to your cosmetic dentist about fast and affordable ways to improve your smile, like bonding and contouring. (more…)

Clean Up Your Smile this Spring with Preventive Care

Clean Your Smile This SpringYou may think of the spring as a time for cleaning house. And while your kitchen may need a deep scrub, your closets cleared of clutter, it could be that your smile is even more in need of a good spring cleaning. If it’s been more than six months since your last dental checkup, let this change of seasons serve as a reminder that preventive care, like regular cleanings, are essential to maintaining great oral health, not to mention keeping your smile looking its best. And who doesn’t want that? (more…)

Is It Time to Straighten Up Your Smile with Clear Braces?

Time for Clear Braces?Did you grow up dreaming of a straighter smile, only to give up on the idea in adulthood, because you didn’t want to spend years in obvious metal braces? If so, it’s time to revisit that dream, especially considering the ways clear braces can help. Treatments like Invisalign and Clear Correct provide alternatives to traditional braces, ones that can still straighten your smile but without the embarrassment or discomfort of metal brackets and braces. So, if you always wanted to do something about your crooked teeth, or gaps between them, now is a great time to learn about clear braces! (more…)