There is no one-size-fits-all solution for restoring your smile. Each patient has their own unique needs and goals, and their treatment plan should match these. That is why Pacific Hills Dental in Omaha, NE, offers a variety of prosthetic options to help replace lost teeth. Today, we will discuss these options so that you can understand which method may be most suitable for your needs.
Addressing Severe Tooth Loss
When you think of replacing your lost teeth, dentures may be one of the first options to come to mind. This popular option is a way to treat more severe tooth loss for individuals. These can be a complete set or partial depending on the level of loss you are experiencing. For instance, if you have some remaining healthy teeth, a partial set can be used to fill the gaps in your smile while replacing the lost ones. Or, if you have lost an entire arch, a full set can mimic these structures to improve your chewing and speaking abilities. Your dentures will be created to look and feel natural. These can be removable or retained with an implant for some patients.
A Lifelike Dental Bridge
Another way to mimic your lost pearly whites is with a dental bridge. This option uses the adjacent teeth to support the prosthetic. Unlike dentures, this option is fixed in place, and you will not need to remove it to care for. To receive your bridge, your dentist will examine your smile and take an impression of your oral cavity. The prosthetic will be created to custom-fit your needs. Since you will not need to remove this prosthetic, your dentist will give you specific care instructions and teach you how to correctly floss and brush around it. A bridge is a great option for patients who have lost up to three teeth in the same row.
Implants Offer Stability
Lastly, there is the option for dental implants. This can be used in combination with a crown, dentures, or a bridge to recreate both the root and crown of your lost tooth. The process of receiving an implant may take several appointments from start to finish. The post will need to be surgically inserted into your jawbone and fuse together with the bone. Then, the abutment piece and crown can be added. One of the greatest benefits of implants is their ability to preserve your smile. Since the root of your lost tooth is recreated, your jaw will have more stable support. The crown will be mimicked with a prosthetic which allows you to chew, speak, and smile better as well.
Talk To Our Team Today
You can call Pacific Hills Dental in Omaha, NE at (402)330-2243 to schedule your appointment or ask questions.
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