Gum Recession Is More Than Unsightly

Piano Omaha NEPeriodontal disease affects almost half of all adults, with four in ten Americans over the age of thirty experiencing a form of this condition. This is the infection and inflammation of your gum tissue, and it might at first seem as a cosmetic issue. But this material provides a vital barrier in keeping your mouth safe. The connections between your oral and overall health are strong, as well, so this is a very important thing to keep safe.

If you have noticed a shift in the way your gumline appears, be sure to bring this up with a trained oral health professional. You need to be making a visit to your dentist every six months or so, and the more strict you are with the appointments, the better! Dentistry relies on consistent imagery and monitoring, so having more information allows for significantly more improved results. Today, your Omaha, NE dentist explains how to stop periodontal disease in its tracks, and what we can do to bring your gumline to its healthiest level!

The Earlier, The Better

When you notice any change in your smile, the best thing that you can do is to bring this to the attention of your trained oral health care professional. This can be especially true with gum recession for a few different reasons. This tissue does not readily regrow as we might imagine, and without that knowledge, you may let things linger for far too long.

If you are seeing the initial signs of gingivitis, such as blood when you brush your teeth, this is something that you should take to the office for a look. It may be that a new and rigorous approach to your home oral health hygiene routine may be enough. Or it may be that your lack of flossing is finally catching up to you and you should focus on that more every night. When we say every night, we mean it!

Possible Remedies

If your dentist suggests that a form of gum grafting is your best and safest bets at maintaining a healthy smile, listen to them. The periodontal tissue provides an incredibly important barrier between the outside world and the base of your teeth. When this condition exposes the root of the tooth, it becomes susceptible to infection itself. This can result in a root canal surgery or even an extraction.

The best remedy for you may lie in a free gingival graft. In this procedure, the damaged tissue is removed to prevent reinfection. Then the healthy matter is stretched to an appropriate level. Your dentist will attach the gum to your tooth. You will require a week to ten days in recovery. This includes a soft diet, and make sure to take all the advice seriously!

Don’t Let It Wait!

Periodontal disease can lead to serious issues with your smile! If you would like to find out more about how we can help you, please contact your Omaha, NE, dentist, Dr. Pietrok, by calling (402) 330-2243.