As your child grows, you need to keep an eye on their dental development. From the emergence of their first tooth through to the extraction of their wisdom teeth, it is important to make sure that they stick to their schedule of cleanings and examinations. Like the name suggests, their biannual checkups need to happen at least twice each year. And if they have not been in yet in 2024, then you are falling behind in helping them grow into their smile.
At Pacific Hills Dental in Omaha, NE, we know that your child’s oral health is important. Even though they will inevitably lose their first set of teeth, those initial incisors and molars play a big role in their dental development, so you need to stick to their schedule of treatment. And since they need checkups around the same time that you do, you can schedule yours right alongside them, giving them guidance and affirmation that they are doing the right thing. To find out more, give us a call!
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