In most cases, your dental team’s goal is to keep your natural teeth healthy and intact. Preventive steps like biannual checkups and a consistent oral hygiene routine can help protect your natural smile. Occasionally, though, it may be necessary to remove a tooth to maintain your oral health. While this may seem intimidating, your team at Pacific Hills Dental in Omaha, NE, can help guide you through this procedure. Today, we’ll explain when a tooth extraction is necessary and what to expect from this procedure.
Severe Decay, Damage, Or Impaction
You may need to have one of your pearly whites extracted if it is extremely damaged or decayed. In most cases, a cavity can be treated with a dental filling when it is caught in time. However, if the cavity is too severe, a root canal or removal may be deemed necessary. This can protect your smile from an infection. A severely damaged tooth may also need to be taken out. In many cases, a dental crown can repair an injury. If the harm is extreme, removing it and replacing it with a prosthetic may be the best option for some patients. Lastly, third molars are often removed before they cause harm to your other pearly whites. Our third molars develop in our late teens and can often become impacted because they do not have enough space to erupt. Your dentist may recommend removing them before damage can occur.
Staying Comfortable Throughout The Procedure
Oral surgery can seem intimidating because you may worry that the procedure will be painful. However, we offer sedation options that help you feel comfortable and at-ease throughout your visit. Before the treatment begins, the team will numb the area, or an oral conscious sedation may be used. This allows you to feel relaxed and able to respond during your visit. Then, the tooth will be gently removed. Your team will give you specific instructions for aftercare. It may take a few days to heal from this procedure, so make sure you have time off from work or other responsibilities.
Replacing Your Missing Tooth
If the tooth removed is vital to the function or appearance of your smile, your dentist can discuss potential replacement options. This will depend on how many were removed and your specific needs. For instance, if you have lost several in a row, a dental bridge can be used to replace your missing teeth. Dental implants are another great way to mimic your missing teeth. These can be used with a crown, dentures, or a bridge to create a sturdy replacement option.
Talk To Our Team Today
To schedule an appointment with our team, call Pacific Hills Dental in Omaha, NE, at (402)330-2243.
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