Finding out you need to have one of your teeth removed is not always the news you want to hear when you visit your dentist. However, in some cases this is one of the best ways to protect your smile from further damage. Your team at Pacific Hills Dental in Omaha, NE, is here today to talk about a few reasons why you may need an extraction.
Severe Decay Or Damage
Your dentist will do their very best to keep your teeth healthy and free of damage. Your biannual appointment is an essential step of preventing cavities, and restorative treatments like dental fillings can be used to treat cavities if one occurs. When you have a cavity, it should be treated with a filling as soon as possible to prevent the cavity from worsening. If you put off restorations for too long, it could lead to significant damage and removing the structure may be the best way to stop the decay and protect your smile. After numbing the area, your dentist will carefully make an incision and remove the tooth. If necessary, prosthetics options may be used later to replace the missing structures.
Advanced Stage Of Gum Disease
Gum disease is an infection caused by plaque buildup around your gums and roots of your teeth. In advanced stages, infection can lead to gum recession and tooth loss. If you have started to experience gum recession and bone loss, it may be recommended to have the affected teeth removed to prevent discomfort and further damage. This is often a last case scenario, as proper preventive care and deep cleanings can help you manage periodontal disease. Your dentist will create a maintenance plan to protect your oral health and renew your smile. After you have reached a manageable phase of periodontal disease, options for replacing your missing teeth can be discussed. Treatments such as dental implants may be used for patients who have lost their teeth due to periodontal disease because the implants support your jawbone and facial structure from weakening over time.
Impacted Wisdom Teeth
One of the most common reasons for an extraction is that your third molars, also known as wisdom teeth, have erupted. These molars erupt much later than your other pearly whites, which means there may not be enough room for the molars to fully erupt, causing them to become impacted. This can cause swelling and discomfort to the area and can potentially put you at risk of an infection. In some cases, your dentist will recommend removing them even before they cause discomfort to protect your smile from future damage.
Learn More By Calling Our Team
If you have been told you need to have a tooth extracted, our team is here to help. Call Pacific Hills Dental in Omaha, NE, today at (402)330-2243.
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