Renewing Your Smile After Damage

renewing your smile omaha neLet’s face it: teeth can become chipped. We use our smiles in multiple ways, and our teeth are also in a prominent spot on the face, which makes them a prime target for damage. You take care of your oral health each and every day, but even with diligent brushing and flossing, injuries do occur. This can become a problem for both your appearance and your wellness, so if you want to make a positive change, talk to your dentist about renewing your smile.

With our helpful dental office in Omaha, NE, you can take steps to improve the look and feel of your smile. When enamel damage happens, you need the help of a trusted professional to add material, as you cannot regrow this like with other forms of tissue. This unique aspect of your teeth means that if you have chipped or cracked a tooth, it is time to call your dentist to talk about repair. To learn more about our range of options, including advanced CEREC crowns, root canal therapy, and more, speak with our front desk today!

Chipped Teeth Can Hold Your Appearance Back

Your smile plays a significant role in your daily life. It helps you to make positive first impressions, and when your enamel becomes damaged due to injury or tooth decay, it can make those interactions a little harder. If you find that you are hiding your smile when you speak or smile, take some time to talk to your dentist about your possibilities.

Dental bonding is an approach that is used to add material after a chip or a break. This method uses the same material that is used in composite fillings, making it a stable and attractive choice. Bonding requires less enamel removal than porcelain veneers, helping you to keep more of your natural tooth. If you’re ready to talk about renewing your smile, ask your dentist about whether bonding is right for you.

A Damaged Tooth Can Cause Serious Pain When It Becomes Infected

A broken tooth is not something to ignore, as it can become more than a simple cosmetic concern. When you lose the protection of your enamel, it puts your tooth at risk of further deterioration and a potential bacterial infection. This can lead to a nasty toothache, so if you have broken a piece of your smile, schedule an appointment for an examination and discuss your next steps.

Ask About Renewing Your Smile At Pacific Hills Dental!

Are you ready to experience a safer, more attractive smile? We’re excited to be a part of your journey. To find out more about renewing your smile with dental bonding, durable CEREC crowns, and more, call Pacific Hills Dental in Omaha, NE at (402)330-2243 today!