Using Dental Implants To Address Tooth Loss

Tooth loss can impact you in ways that feel frustrating and embarrassing. Life without your complete smile can mean difficulties with biting and chewing. It can also mean losing confidence in the way you look when you smile. What some people do not realize is that if they do not take action and address the loss of their teeth, these issues can worsen in time, and new complications can arise. At our Omaha, NE dentist’s office, we can work with you to restore your full smile through implant dentistry. An implant-held restoration can improve more than just your smile, as it can also help you sustain your jawbone health.

Implant Dentistry Is About More Than Just Smile Improvement

The work of restoring your full smile will benefit your appearance. After all, it can be a relief to look in the mirror and no longer worry about how a visible gap between your teeth might affect you. While this is certainly something to look forward to, it is not the sole benefit of work to replace missing teeth. A procedure can also help you by providing better bite support. A permanent appliance can stay so secure that you can bite, chew, and speak in a way that feels more natural to you. Implants provide an valuable added benefit, as they stimulate your jawbone to keep it from losing mass over time.

Where Do Implants Fit Into Plans To Restore Your Full Smile?

Dental implants essentially act like artificial roots that will hold replacement teeth to your jaw. When they are put in position, they will keep restorations permanently set without interfering with neighboring teeth. We can discuss the use of a single post to hold a single restoration, or we can discuss the placement of a larger appliance like a dental bridge or denture.

Enjoying Life With Your Replacement Tooth (Or Replacement Teeth)

Because your restoration is firmly held to your jaw, and strong enough to withstand bite pressure, you can have few issues with biting and chewing the way you used to. A better dental function reduces stress on your jaw joints and reduces your risk for wearing down remaining teeth. This procedure also gives you the ability to stop jawbone erosion, a consequence of tooth loss, from affecting you.

Talk To Your Omaha, NE Dentist About Dental Implants

Implant dentistry gives us the ability to take care of your incomplete smile in a way that restores your health, appearance, and overall confidence in your dental function. Our practice can help you with a single smile gap, or we can make plans to replace many missing teeth. If you would like to find out more, or if you are ready to make an appointment, please call our Omaha, NE, dental office today at (402)330-2243.