In our last blog, we explained how a checkup is great for smiles of all ages, from kids to adults. In today’s blog, we want to continue this theme and look at another essential procedure offered in the same visit: dental cleanings. A simple cleaning from your Omaha, NE, dentist is critical for protecting smiles of both kids and adults from issues like cavities and gum disease.
The Causes of Plaque and Tartar
What makes harmful buildup accumulate on the surfaces of the teeth? When we consume foods and drinks high in sugar, or fail to brush and floss properly, this leaves behind particles on and between the teeth. Bacteria will then consume these particles, a process that not only elevates oral acidity, but coats the teeth in a sticky layer of plaque. Over time, plaque will harden into tartar. Initially, the buildup could cause teeth stains and bad breath, but eventually this could lead to more severe complications!
Long-Term Dangers
Plaque buildup weakens and erodes the protective layer of tooth enamel, exposing the sensitive inner tissues to bacteria and leading to tooth decay and dental infections. The buildup also irritates and inflames the gum tissues, which could cause gingivitis and gum disease, issues that not only lead to uncomfortable symptoms, but an increased risk of tooth loss too! To help keep your smile strong, you need a professional dental cleaning, which is the only way to remove plaque and tartar buildup.
Having Your Teeth Cleaned Professionally
The process involves the dentist or a hygienist using an ultrasonic scaling device and a manual tool to break up and remove both plaque and tartar from the surfaces of the teeth. The process only takes a few minutes. We complete the process by polishing the teeth, which offers a smoother finish and brighter appearance. You should undergo this process about once every six months, of every three to four months if you have high risk factors for issues like tooth decay or gum disease.
Scaling and Root Planing
If you have sore, red gums that bleed easily, then you could have gingivitis or the early stages of gum disease. To protect your smile from worsening symptoms or tooth loss, you need a more substantial cleaning. A scaling and root planing not only break up buildup on your teeth, but removes buildup from the roots too.
Do You Have Questions About Preventive Care?
Our team wants to use cleanings to help protect smiles from complications like tooth decay and gum disease, as well as bad breath and even stained teeth. To learn more about our approach to preventive dentistry then schedule a consultation by calling Pacific Hills Dental in Omaha, NE, today at (402) 330-2243. We also serve the residents of Papillion, Elkhorn, La Vista, Millard, and all surrounding communities.
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