A cavity is no fun. Not only do you develop pain in your teeth, but also an increased risk of infection and serious complications. But how do our teeth develop cavities? What can people in Omaha, NE, do to treat cavities or avoid them? First, you need to understand how they form, and the simple routine care that helps safeguard your teeth.
The Causes of Tooth Decay
The majority of our tooth structure is composed of a sensitive material known as dentin, which covers the inner pulp, a collection of living tissues that keeps the tooth alive and healthy. However, these sensitive layers are typically protected by the outer tooth enamel, a very strong material that prevents bacteria from reaching the dentin and pulp. However, should poor oral hygiene cause the enamel to erode, or injury crack or chip the outer layer, bacteria reach the inner dentin and cause a cavity. Over time, the cavity will only grow in severity, until bacteria reach the pulp and cause a dental infection.
Possible Treatment Options
If you undergo routine checkups, then we will identity the presence of cavities in the early stages. Otherwise, you may not know you need treatment until you begin to experience tooth sensitivity or toothaches. If you begin to suffer from pain in one or more teeth, then let us know. If we examine your smile and uncover decay, we may suggest to different treatment options. For most cavities, we place a metal-free filling designed to match the tooth structure. In one visit, this stops a cavity and protects your smile. If you have severe tooth decay, which may require more than a filling, we can offer a custom-made and durable dental crown, which covers the visible portion of your tooth.
How Do You Avoid Tooth Decay?
Our teeth develop a cavity when the outer enamel becomes compromised. To prevent this from happening, you should cut back on sugary drinks and foods. We also suggest brushing and flossing your teeth daily. Finally, be sure you see us for checkups and cleanings, in which we remove plaque and help prevent enamel erosion. With a few steps and an understanding of how tooth decay forms, you can take steps to safeguard your smile. If you have any questions about treating cavities or avoiding tooth decay altogether, then please contact our team today.
Pacific Hills Dental Prevents Tooth Decay
At Pacific Hills Dental, we have a few treatments to help protect your smile and offer lifelike solutions for a cavity. To make an appointment for yourself or for a family member, call our Omaha, NE, dental office today at (402) 330-2243. We proudly treat individuals in Omaha, NE, and all of the surrounding areas, including Papillion, Elkhorn, and Millard.
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