Adults and teens are rarely excited to receive metal braces. While they’re happy to see their new smile, metal orthodontics can be uncomfortable and lead to issues with a person’s professional appearance. In today’s blog, we’re going to look at three benefits of the Invisalign and ClearCorrect system, and also discuss how they can help you achieve a straighter smile.
The Benefits Of Invisalign and ClearCorrect
- The Custom-Made Aligners Fit Comfortably: With both systems we can take detailed impressions, x-rays, and photographs of your smile. We send these materials to their respective labs, where experts will use them to design and create a series of aligners from a BPA-free plastic material. They will be clear when worn and help you avoid the gum and cheek irritation so common with metal orthodontics. You wear them daily for between 20 and 23 hours, upgrading to a new set about once every two weeks.
- You can Remove Them Before Meals: With metal braces, you need to avoid hard or chewy foods, as they can become stuck on your braces and increase the risk of oral health issues. However, you can simply remove the aligners before you eat, meaning you don’t need to change your diet. You can also have an easier time brushing and flossing your teeth as well. Finally, you can take them out for special occasions, such as graduations or big meetings.
- Treatment Is Often Shorter Than With Braces: Braces often take around two years to two and a half years. However, Invisalign and ClearCorrect can address misalignment in as little as a year in some cases. Teens and patients with more severe misalignment may require up to 18 months. If you have any questions about correcting uneven smiles, or about either of our clear braces options, then contact our team today.
Do You Have Questions About Clear Aligners?
Our team can offer solutions to misalignment using clear plastic aligners. To learn more, schedule a consultation, call Pacific Hills Dental in Omaha, NE, today at (402) 330-2243. We also serve the residents of Papillion, Elkhorn, La Vista, Millard, and all surrounding communities.
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