Bruxism: 3 Important Facts

bruxismhandsignHave you noticed lately that your jaws and teeth feel somewhat sore? Perhaps you are suffering from strange symptoms like ringing in your ears and sensitive teeth but you’re not sure what’s going on. You may be suffering from a preventable disorder called bruxism. Not sure what to make of this? We suggest that you schedule a checkup with us any time you notice something isn’t quite right with your smile or surrounding structures. Fortunately, if we determine that bruxism is causing your problems, we offer effective bruxism treatment to return you to comfort, while protecting your long-term oral health.

Fact #1: Bruxism Is Damaging

The disorder we know as bruxism refers to a chronic disorder – not a voluntary one. The main characteristic is either teeth grinding or clenching. Unfortunately, these repeated motions place a lot of stress on your teeth and your jaw joints. The result may include fractured teeth, broken teeth, eroded tooth surfaces, and even TMJ disorder (a disorder of the jaw joints).

Fact #2: Self-Diagnosis Is Complicated

As you may have noticed, bruxism is involuntary, which means you may not recognize that you’re doing it. A friend or loved one may happen to catch you in the act and ask why you’re grinding or clenching your teeth. Or, you may wonder why you’re experiencing sensitivity or headaches. Fortunately, during your dental checkups, we can identify a need for bruxism treatment and discuss creating a care plan for you.

Fact #3: We Can Help

Bruxism treatment is comfortable, straightforward, and effective. We will have you wear a custom-fitted oral appliance in your mouth while you sleep. The device prevents your upper and lower teeth from touching, so you cannot grind or clench.