Why Should Teeth Grinding Concern Me?

Do you grind your teeth? If so, do you do this on a nightly basis? If you happen to grind or clench your teeth regularly, this could be a disorder known as bruxism. Unless treated, this could lead to worn down or damaged teeth. In today’s blog, your Omaha, NE, dentist talks about the importance of treating teeth grinding, and how we can help!

Potential Dental Damage

People with bruxism grind their teeth and clench them on a regular basis. Not only does irritate significant others, but the pressure could begin to wear down outer structure, eventually making teeth appear short. Grinding could also crack or chip them. The worn, chipped, and cracked structures could lead to tooth decay and infection, as the inner and sensitive portions of the tooth are now exposed to harmful bacteria.

What Causes Bruxism?

Factors behind the disorder include high levels of stress in day-to-day life, TMJ disorder, tooth loss, bite imbalance, misalignment, and injury to the face or jaw. People with the disorder may experience frequent headaches or migraines, jaw pain and facial discomfort, aches in the neck or face, or toothaches and tooth sensitivity. If you experience one or more of these common symptoms, then please let our team know right away. The sooner we treat the problem, the sooner we can protect your teeth from painful cavities and infections, as well as the risk of tooth loss!

Treatment Options

We may suggest cutting back on caffeinated products, avoiding hard or chewy foods, and trying to limit the amount of stress in your day. Correcting misalignment through braces or clear aligners could ease pressure and stop grinding, as could restoring bite balance with a custom-made dental crown. However, the most common treatment option is usually an oral appliance. Each one is custom-made for our patients, and the process starts with impressions, measurements, and images being taken of your smile. We use the information to create an appliance that looks and fits like a mouthguard. Worn at night, it repositions the jaw to ease any strain that could cause your bruxism, and also places a barrier between the upper and lower sets of teeth to prevent further damage. We also have dental bonding and lifelike restoration to repair any damage your smile sustained. If you have any question, then please contact our team today to learn more.

Do You Have Questions About Preventive Dentistry?

Our team would like to help you avoid the potential consequences of untreated teeth grinding or jaw clenching. To learn more about stopping bruxism, then schedule a consultation by calling Pacific Hills Dental in Omaha, NE, today at (402) 330-2243. We also serve the residents of Papillion, Elkhorn, La Vista, Millard, and all surrounding communities.