Could a Dental Implant Be What Your Smile Really Needs?

Address Tooth Loss with a Dental ImplantHave you felt embarrassed or even frustrated, since you lost a tooth? Adult tooth loss often elicits very different feelings than those experienced by children, when they first lose their baby teeth. Sadly, along with the many emotions experienced, adults often find themselves asking troubling questions, such as, “How will my smile function now that it is incomplete? Will it every look the same again? Is it going to hurt to eat?” Fortunately, modern prosthetic dentistry, like dental implants, makes it possible to help address tooth loss in comfortable and confidence-inducing ways.

Have You Recently Suffered Tooth Loss?

Whether your smile is currently incomplete due to tooth loss or even extraction, or if you are unhappy with an existing prostheses that is serving your smile, it is wise to consider the ways a dental implant can effectively restore the smile.

Dental implants are unique in a number of ways, and they help to complete the smile in a more stable and permanent way than most prosthetics currently available. For instance, implants rely on a post made of biocompatible titanium to help stabilize a replacement tooth. This post must first be surgically inserted into the jawline, where soft tissue can then grow around it in a process called osseointegration. Once this is complete, there is a stable, and even permanent, way for a dentist to affix a full crown, pontic, or partial denture.

Are You Ready to Update an Existing Prostheses?

It’s also helpful to know that dental implants can be used to better stabilize or even replace outdated or ill-fitting prostheses, such as unsupported dentures or even a dental bridge. Just ask your dentist about whether implants are a viable solution for your smile, based on your oral health and the specific needs of your smile.