Cope with Tooth Loss Through Prosthetic Dentistry

Rebound from Tooth Loss with a Prosthetic As a child, tooth loss can be an exciting rite of passage, one often celebrated with a visit from the Tooth Fairy, and even squeals of excitement from friends and family. Unfortunately, as an adult, the emotions experienced upon tooth loss are often quite different. If you were recently told you need an extraction, you may be feeling disappointed, frustrated or even embarrassed. If you have lost a tooth due to an accident at work, in your automobile, or while participating in an athletic event, you may be struggling with similar emotions. Whatever the cause of your incomplete smile, it is time to talk to your prosthetic dentist about how you can rebound from the loss and start smiling again.

How Can a Dentist Help Complete Your Smile?

There are a number of ways for dentists to help address tooth loss, including dentures, which have long been a popular choice because of how quickly they can be completed and their affordability. However, for patients looking for more security than unsupported dentures can provide, dental bridges and dental implants, make excellent prosthetic options.

Both bridges and implants are secured permanently, and help to create stability while speaking, smiling, and perhaps most importantly, chewing. Dental bridges rely on crowns, affixed to teeth adjacent to the missing tooth or teeth, to anchor a replacement tooth such as a partial denture. Dental implants are stabilized by a titanium post meant to mimic a healthy tooth root, which must first be surgically inserted into the jaw.

Though dental implants are generally more expensive, initially, and require a longer time to recover, they are considered the most stable and permanent form of smile completion available. For this reason, many dentists recommend them, and many patients favor them for dealing with tooth loss.

To determine which prostheses will be best for your particular smile, schedule a consultation with your dentist to further explore your options for treatment.