Is Your Brushing Its Best?

toothbrushclearcupBrushing your teeth every day is a given – you have done it since you were a child and you know that it’s extremely important for maintaining a healthy smile. What you may not know, however, is whether you’re doing your very best. While you know that brushing once in the morning and once before bed is a good start, how much do you know about the particulars of this preventive care habit? By becoming more familiar with the type of brush you should choose, optimal brushing times, and other facts, you will find that your brushing becomes extremely effective. Don’t feel too worried – if you need to make any changes, they’re simple to put into effect.

What Type Of Bristles Do You Use?

Are you using a medium bristle brush? A hard bristle brush? It may seem that the harder the bristle, the cleaner the smile – however, this is not true. Your teeth and gums are vulnerable to damage and irritation, so we always suggest soft bristles for effective preventive care. They will offer excellent results as long as you’re brushing correctly.

How Often Do You Buy A New Brush?

It’s important that you replace your toothbrush once every three months (or sooner if you think your brush is on its last leg). Brushes harbor bacteria – it’s that simple.

How Long Are You Brushing (And How Often)?

Twice a day is extremely important, which is something you’re probably already doing. The key? Make sure to brush your teeth for a duration of two minutes each time you brush.

Do You Brush After Meals?

Brushing after meals is a great way to practice preventive care as long as you don’t brush immediately. Instead, rinse first. Then, wait 30 minutes before you brush for best results.